Eric Barfield

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5 Apps For Managing Your Music Career

I’ve written blogs about apps in the past, but I felt like it was time for a refresh. Here are 5 apps I use every day to manage tasks, keep a schedule, get inspired, and handle all of the business stuff involved with my career: 


5. Wunderlist


I switched from Apple’s built-in task manager to Wunderlist for several reasons- it offers the best reminder system I’ve ever seen, it allows easy task scheduling, it’s possible to easily share tasks with others, and it’s free. Get it from the app store here.


4. Duet


This handy little app easily turns your iPad into an extra display. I use it all the time when I’m on the road, or need some extra screen real estate for multitasking. It’s around $9.99 for the full version, and worth every penny. 


3. Feedly


This is my favorite blog reader (it still beats Apple News app hands down), mainly because I can pull content from any RSS-driven website or blog. Again, it’s a free app, and you can get a copy here. 


2. Dropbox


Dropbox is the kingpin of online file sharing, and allows me to do everything from selling MainStage downloads to sending out audio files to clients. You can get two gigabytes of free storage by clicking here. 


1. Apple’s Calendar


This is still my favorite app for calendars, and is free. I book important events in here, schedule my practicing, set drive times, and write notes about specific things I need to remember at events.