Eric Barfield

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I Never Do This, But. . . 

A few week’s ago I played keys on an absolutely awesome album with my friend Joe. Joe is part of a duo called “A Thousand Miles” that released a hit music video dedicated to first responders everywhere. They took a huge leap of faith and recorded a full length album at one of the best recording studios in Nashville, and now they’re running a kickstarter campaign to try to fund the album.


Joe is going 100% indie on this release, but he’s trying to do it at the same level that a major label would. The question is, will people support indie music enough for this to work? He’s at almost $10,000 but he needs a lot more to reach their goal of $50,000. If you like the message, would you consider donating? Even just a $5 donation toward the project would really help. 


Thanks, and here’s to gutsy indie musicians taking big risks.